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We're here to help!

Pfizer Dermatology Patient Access offers you personalized support, resources, and savings options every step of the way. This includes:

Eucrisa 4 you

Savings for eligible patients

Want to save on EUCRISA?*

Eligible patients pay as little as:

see how you could pay as little as $10 on EUCRISA (crisaborole) with the copay savings card. T&C apply.

Patients with commercial insurance that covers EUCRISA*

Sign up to see how you could pay as little as $10 with the Copay Savings Card.*

*Eligibility required. No membership fees. This is not health insurance. Individual savings limited to $970 per tube or $3,880 in maximum total savings per calendar year. Only for use with commercial insurance. If you are enrolled in a state or federally funded prescription insurance program, you may not use the copay card. Terms and conditions apply
*Eligibility required. No membership fees. Individual savings limited to $970 per tube or $3,880 in maximum total savings per calendar year. Only for use with commercial insurance. If you are enrolled in a state or federally funded prescription insurance program, you may not use the copay card.Terms and conditions applyFor details on CIBINQO, please see full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.

You may also call 1-833-956-DERM (1-833-956-3376) to request your Copay Savings Card, or ask your doctor.

Personalized support to help you with your Insurance for EUCRISA

Connect with a live Support Representative to help you understand coverage and explore financial assistance options.


8 AM - 8 PM ET

or ask your doctor's office.

EUCRISA Information Sign Up

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